The new Sony is very compact: the small housing easily in the Pocket is stuck, where the "dent" factor depends only on the connected each lens. The supplied 16-up 50-mm solution is already quite large compared to the camera and ensures that one probably but for a small camera bag as a place of storage of the NEX-3N travel decides.
The Panel, taking place consistently via the menu on the unfortunately not touch-sensitive monitor corresponds to the previous NEX siblings and takes some getting for upgraders from an SLR. As the camera lacks such a mode dial which simulates only as an animation on the screen. Using the adjustment wheel on the back, which serves also as a four way Control Panel, "turning" this mode dial on the monitor. It changes the full automatics enabled between classical recording programs like P, S, A and M, with automatic selection of scene programs or launches additional functions such as the panoramic picture.
The NEX-3N picks up with full HD resolution and with 50 fields or 25 full movies. The latter is a constraint compared with other Sony cameras because they allow improved motion display with up to 50 frames. The recording is done in the AVCHD format standard, alternatively also MP4 files can be generated. Fortunately are manual exposure settings for the video recording available.
The camera impressed in the test above all with their very good colour reproduction. Similar to SLT sister A58, she showed slight weaknesses in measuring resolution and tends to be rather soft pictures. The dynamic range of the camera is very good for a compact system, the other test criteria such as continuous shooting speed and shutter delay are at a very good level. This is gratifying for a mirrorless system camera in this price range.